Tried, tested and up to the minute
Test methods
• - Shore A, B, C, D,…
• - Portable
• - Stationary
• - ISO 48
• - ASTM D2240
• - ISO 868
Analog and digital hardness testers to Shore
These Shore electronic hardness testers are used for determining the hardness of plastics and rubber to ISO 48, ASTM D2240, ISO 868, NFT 51109 and BS 903 Part A26. For on-site testing on the product, analog versions with and without drag-pointer are available. The instruments with drag-pointers simplify testing, particularly in difficult-to-access locations, as the pointer still indicates the measured value after the test. The digital hardness testers can be connected to testXpert III via data transfer.
• - Soft rubber, elastomers and natural rubber to Shore A
• - Harder elastomers, plastics and rigid thermoplastics to Shore D
• - Soft elastomers and textile fabrics to Shore 0
• - Expanded rubber, sponge rubber and foam rubber to Shore 00
• - Harder elastomers than Shore A as per Shore B
• - Medium hard elastomers to Shore C