Agilent spectrometers

1 company | 14 products
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ICP-OES spectrometer
ICP-OES spectrometer
240FS AA

The Agilent 240FS AA is a Fast Sequential atomic absorption spectrometer that can double sample throughout and dramatically reduce running costs. Able to handle multi-element suites with ease, the Agilent 240FS AA system ...

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Agilent Technologies - Life Sciences and Chemical
atomic absorption spectrometer
atomic absorption spectrometer
280FS AA

The Agilent 280FS AA is a fast and productive flame AA system, featuring Fast Sequential operation combined with 8-lamp capability, premium optics, and UltrAA lamp looms for greater performance. Able to handle multi-element suites with ...

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Agilent Technologies - Life Sciences and Chemical
atomic absorption spectrometer
atomic absorption spectrometer
280Z AA

Based on the sensitive AC-modulated Zeeman technique, proven to give the best detection limits of any Zeeman spectrometer, the Agilent 280Z AA offers the highest sensitivity, performance, simplicity of operation, and ...

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Agilent Technologies - Life Sciences and Chemical
atomic absorption spectrometer
atomic absorption spectrometer
AA Duo

The Agilent AA Duo is the world's only atomic absorption spectrometer with true simultaneous operation of flame and graphite furnace. Since the Agilent AA Duo provides simultaneous operation of two permanently mounted ...

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Agilent Technologies - Life Sciences and Chemical
FT-IR spectrometer
FT-IR spectrometer

Width: 29 cm
Height: 19 cm

The Agilent 4500 portable FTIR spectrometer is a rugged analyzer perfect for on-the-spot analysis in a range of non-laboratory settings, including forensics, chemical identification, and the chemical, food, and polymer ...

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Agilent Technologies - Life Sciences and Chemical
FT-IR spectrometer
FT-IR spectrometer

Width: 20 cm
Height: 11 cm

The Agilent 5500 compact FTIR spectrometer is designed as an at-side FTIR analyzer to provide you with great results, rapidly and reliably, day after day. The combination of great performing optics, innovative sampling ...

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Agilent Technologies - Life Sciences and Chemical
FT-IR spectrometer
FT-IR spectrometer
Cary 630 FTIR

Width: 14 cm
Height: 16 cm

... routine FTIR spectrometer analysis and cutting-edge research. The Cary 630 FTIR spectrometer is a robust, reliable, and flexible benchtop FTIR instrument benefiting from Agilent’s experience with field-proven ...

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Agilent Technologies - Life Sciences and Chemical
ICP-MS spectrometer
ICP-MS spectrometer
7800 ICP-MS

The Agilent 7800 ICP-MS has been superseded by the new smart 7850 ICP-MS instrument. The 7850 ICP-MS is configured for fast setup and streamlined analysis in typical ICP-MS applications, saving you time and making it easier for your lab ...

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Agilent Technologies - Life Sciences and Chemical
optical spectrometer
optical spectrometer
7900 ICP-MS

The Agilent 7900 ICP-MS is a flexible single quadrupole ICP mass spec instrument that provides the industry’s best matrix tolerance, most effective helium collision mode, lowest detection limits, and widest dynamic range. As a result, ...

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Agilent Technologies - Life Sciences and Chemical
quadrupole spectrometer
quadrupole spectrometer

The Agilent 8900 triple quadrupole ICP-MS (ICP-QQQ) is the world’s most successful and widely used tandem ICP mass spectrometer. Available in a range of configurations to cover applications from routine contract analysis ...

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Agilent Technologies - Life Sciences and Chemical
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