AirLoc Belleville disc springs

1 company | 7 products
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compression disc spring
compression disc spring
M 10

Outer diameter: 20 mm
Force: 100 daN

DIN 2093 disk springs for ground anchoring system along with AirLoc isolation. Disk springs are designed by our application engineers and offered with the system.

See the other products
AirLoc AG
compression disc spring
compression disc spring
M 12

Outer diameter: 34 mm
Force: 200 daN

DIN 2093 disk springs for ground anchoring system along with AirLoc isolation. Disk springs are designed by our application engineers and offered with the system.

See the other products
AirLoc AG
compression disc spring
compression disc spring
M 16

Outer diameter: 40 mm
Force: 365 daN

DIN 2093 disk springs for ground anchoring system along with AirLoc isolation. Disk springs are designed by our application engineers and offered with the system.

See the other products
AirLoc AG
compression disc spring
compression disc spring
M 20

Outer diameter: 60 mm
Force: 820 daN

DIN 2093 disk springs for ground anchoring system along with AirLoc isolation. Disk springs are designed by our application engineers and offered with the system.

See the other products
AirLoc AG
compression disc spring
compression disc spring
M 24

Outer diameter: 60 mm
Force: 835 daN

DIN 2093 disk springs for ground anchoring system along with AirLoc isolation. Disk springs are designed by our application engineers and offered with the system.

See the other products
AirLoc AG
compression disc spring
compression disc spring
M 30

Outer diameter: 60 mm
Force: 1,255 daN

DIN 2093 disk springs for ground anchoring system along with AirLoc isolation. Disk springs are designed by our application engineers and offered with the system.

See the other products
AirLoc AG
compression disc spring
compression disc spring
M 36/40

Outer diameter: 70 mm
Force: 2,270 daN

DIN 2093 disk springs for ground anchoring system along with AirLoc isolation. Disk springs are designed by our application engineers and offered with the system.

See the other products
AirLoc AG
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