ANVER frame vacuum lifting devices

1 company | 13 products
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frame vacuum lifting device
frame vacuum lifting device

Carrying capacity: 1,905 kg
Number of cups: 2 unit
Weight : 140 kg

... combinations depending on the vacuum generator, beam, crossarms, and vacuum cups selected. Basic features on ANVER’s Standard Horizontal Vacuum Lifters include: vacuum ...

See the other products
ANVER Vacuum System Specialists
frame vacuum lifting device
frame vacuum lifting device
LG920M4 series

Carrying capacity: 4,173 kg
Number of cups: 4 unit
Weight : 587, 1,021, 658, 1,316 kg

ANVER’S standard lifting frames are built to order using modular components, so there are hundreds of possible combinations depending on the vacuum generator, beam, crossarms and vacuum ...

See the other products
ANVER Vacuum System Specialists
cross vacuum lifting device
cross vacuum lifting device
LG2560M8 series

Carrying capacity: 11,611 kg
Number of cups: 8 unit
Weight : 1,259 kg - 1,632 kg

ANVER’S standard lifting frames are built to order using modular components, so there are hundreds of possible combinations depending on the vacuum generator, beam, crossarms and vacuum ...

See the other products
ANVER Vacuum System Specialists
frame vacuum lifting device
frame vacuum lifting device
LG750M10 series

Carrying capacity: 3,402 kg
Number of cups: 10 unit
Weight : 578 kg - 1,610 kg

ANVER’S standard lifting frames are built to order using modular components, so there are hundreds of possible combinations depending on the vacuum generator, beam, crossarms and vacuum ...

See the other products
ANVER Vacuum System Specialists
frame vacuum lifting device
frame vacuum lifting device
LG300M12 series

Carrying capacity: 1,361 kg
Number of cups: 12 unit
Weight : 930, 703, 612, 658, 635 kg

ANVER’S standard lifting frames are built to order using modular components, so there are hundreds of possible combinations depending on the vacuum generator, beam, crossarms and vacuum ...

See the other products
ANVER Vacuum System Specialists
cross vacuum lifting device
cross vacuum lifting device
LG1560M12 series

Carrying capacity: 7,076 kg
Number of cups: 12 unit
Weight : 1,216, 875, 1,533, 1,272, 1,669 kg

ANVER’S standard lifting frames are built to order using modular components, so there are hundreds of possible combinations depending on the vacuum generator, beam, crossarms and vacuum ...

See the other products
ANVER Vacuum System Specialists
frame vacuum lifting device
frame vacuum lifting device
LG350M14 series

Carrying capacity: 1,588 kg
Number of cups: 14 unit
Weight : 635, 612, 726, 658, 987 kg

ANVER’S standard lifting frames are built to order using modular components, so there are hundreds of possible combinations depending on the vacuum generator, beam, crossarms and vacuum ...

See the other products
ANVER Vacuum System Specialists
frame vacuum lifting device
frame vacuum lifting device
ATL25M2 series

Carrying capacity: 113 kg
Number of cups: 2 unit
Weight : 45, 43, 50, 48, 52 kg

Anver Vacuum Tilters and Upenders are loaded with safety features and have come to set the standard for safe tilting of loads. Each version has been revised over the years to perform better and last longer. ...

See the other products
ANVER Vacuum System Specialists
frame vacuum lifting device
frame vacuum lifting device
AT100M4 series

Carrying capacity: 454 kg
Number of cups: 4 unit
Weight : 113, 104 kg

Anver Vacuum Tilters and Upenders are loaded with safety features and have come to set the standard for safe tilting of loads. Each version has been revised over the years to perform better and last longer. ...

See the other products
ANVER Vacuum System Specialists
cross vacuum lifting device
cross vacuum lifting device
ATL25M8 series

Carrying capacity: 113 kg
Number of cups: 8 unit
Weight : 79 kg - 93 kg

Anver Vacuum Tilters and Upenders are loaded with safety features and have come to set the standard for safe tilting of loads. Each version has been revised over the years to perform better and last longer. ...

See the other products
ANVER Vacuum System Specialists
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