Aplicaciones Tecnológicas aluminum lightning rods

1 company | 8 products
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single-rod lightning rod
single-rod lightning rod

Lightning protection using franklin rods and meshed conductors is used to share and dissipate the lightning current through a network of down-conductors and earth terminations. ø20 ...

See the other products
Aplicaciones Tecnológicas, S.A.
single-rod lightning rod
single-rod lightning rod

Lightning protection using franklin rods and meshed conductors is used to share and dissipate the lightning current through a network of down-conductors and earth terminations. Taper ...

See the other products
Aplicaciones Tecnológicas, S.A.
single-rod lightning rod
single-rod lightning rod

Lightning protection using franklin rods and meshed conductors is used to share and dissipate the lightning current through a network of down-conductors and earth terminations. ø10 ...

See the other products
Aplicaciones Tecnológicas, S.A.
single-rod lightning rod
single-rod lightning rod

Lightning protection using franklin rods and meshed conductors is used to share and dissipate the lightning current through a network of down-conductors and earth terminations. ø16 ...

See the other products
Aplicaciones Tecnológicas, S.A.
single-rod lightning rod
single-rod lightning rod

Lightning protection using franklin rods and meshed conductors is used to share and dissipate the lightning current through a network of down-conductors and earth terminations. ø18 ...

See the other products
Aplicaciones Tecnológicas, S.A.
single-rod lightning rod
single-rod lightning rod

Lightning protection using franklin rods and meshed conductors is used to share and dissipate the lightning current through a network of down-conductors and earth terminations. ø16 ...

See the other products
Aplicaciones Tecnológicas, S.A.
lightning arrestor system lightning rod
lightning arrestor system lightning rod

Lightning protection using franklin rods and meshed conductors is used to share and dissipate the lightning current through a network of down-conductors and earth terminations. 9 m ...

See the other products
Aplicaciones Tecnológicas, S.A.
lightning arrestor system lightning rod
lightning arrestor system lightning rod

Lightning protection using franklin rods and meshed conductors is used to share and dissipate the lightning current through a network of down-conductors and earth terminations.

See the other products
Aplicaciones Tecnológicas, S.A.
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