B&K true RMS multimeters

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digital multimeter
digital multimeter

Max DC voltage: 1, 10, 100, 1,000, 100 V
Max AC voltage: 100, 1, 10, 100, 750 mV
Max DC current: 0.1 A - 10 A

The 5490C Series 5½ and 6½-digit bench multimeters are designed for accuracy, repeatability and ease-of-use. A wide measurement range with speeds up to 1000 readings per second, and a basic DCV accuracy up to 35 ppm deliver ...

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B&K Precision
digital multimeter
digital multimeter

Max DC voltage: 1, 100, 1,000, 10, 100 V
Max AC voltage: 100, 1, 10, 100, 750 mV
Max DC current: 0.1 mA - 10,000 mA

The 5490C Series 5½ and 6½-digit bench multimeters are designed for accuracy, repeatability and ease-of-use. A wide measurement range with speeds up to 1000 readings per second, and a basic DCV accuracy up to 35 ppm deliver ...

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B&K Precision
true RMS multimeter
true RMS multimeter

Max DC voltage: 0.2 V - 1,000 V
Max AC voltage: 0.2 V - 750 V
Max DC current: 2 mA - 20,000 mA

... are versatile and dependable bench-top digital multimeters suitable for applications in education, service & repair and manufacturing requiring basic and reliable measurements. Additionally, these multimeters ...

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B&K Precision
true RMS multimeter
true RMS multimeter

Max DC voltage: 0.2 V - 1,000 V
Max AC voltage: 0.2 V - 750 V
Max DC current: 2 mA - 20,000 mA

... are versatile and dependable bench-top digital multimeters suitable for applications in education, service & repair and manufacturing requiring basic and reliable measurements. Additionally, these multimeters ...

See the other products
B&K Precision
digital multimeter
digital multimeter

Max DC voltage: 0.05 V - 1,000 V
Max AC voltage: 0.05 V - 1,000 V
Max DC current: 50, 1,000 mA

The 390B Series True RMS multimeters offer a comprehensive solution for general purpose measurement applications. Bundled with a complete set of accessories, these multimeters ...

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B&K Precision
100000 count digital multimeter
100000 count digital multimeter

Max DC voltage: 1,000, 10, 100, 1,000, 100 mV
Max AC voltage: 100, 1,000, 10, 100, 1,000 mV
Max DC current: 100, 10, 10 mA

The 390B Series True RMS multimeters offer a comprehensive solution for general purpose measurement applications. Bundled with a complete set of accessories, these multimeters ...

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B&K Precision
40000 count digital multimeter
40000 count digital multimeter

Max DC voltage: 0.04 V - 1,000 V
Max AC voltage: 0.04 V - 1,000 V
Max DC current: 40, 400, 4, 10 mA

The 390B Series True RMS multimeters offer a comprehensive solution for general purpose measurement applications. Bundled with a complete set of accessories, these multimeters ...

See the other products
B&K Precision
40000 count digital multimeter
40000 count digital multimeter

Max DC voltage: 0.04 V - 1,000 V
Max AC voltage: 0.04 V - 1,000 V
Max DC current: 40, 400, 4, 10 mA

The 390B Series True RMS multimeters offer a comprehensive solution for general purpose measurement applications. Bundled with a complete set of accessories, these multimeters ...

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B&K Precision
digital multimeter
digital multimeter

Max DC voltage: 400, 4, 40, 400, 1,000 mV
Max AC voltage: 400, 4, 40, 400, 750 mV
Max DC current: 10, 400, 40 A

The 2712 is a full featured auto ranging True RMS Digital Multimeter that combines performance, value and functionality. The 40000 count LCD has a green back light that allows the ...

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B&K Precision
digital multimeter
digital multimeter

Max DC voltage: 6.6, 66, 660, 660, 1,000 V
Max AC voltage: 600, 6.6, 66, 660, 750 mV
Max DC current: 6.6, 66, 400, 10, 0.66 mA

The 2709B is a full featured auto ranging true RMS DMM that combines performance, value and functionality. The 6600 count LCD has a green back light that allows the meter to be used in dimly lit environments. ...

See the other products
B&K Precision
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