Cavotec electrical cables
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Nominal voltage: 700, 1,200 V
Cross-section: 76.1 mm²
Panzerflex® special flexible heavy duty power cables is unbeatable for general industry sectors. Specialized applications require advanced power and signal flexible cables.They can be installed on mobile ...
Nominal voltage: 600, 1,000 V
Temperature: -20 °C - 90 °C
Cross-section: 1.5 mm² - 4 mm²
... perpendicular operations requiring small positions and low-weight applications. The application for Panzerflex VS regulation cables are movable setup on all sorts of harbour hoists, box hoists, ship unloaders, stackers,trippers, ...
Nominal voltage: 600, 1,000 V
Temperature: -30 °C - 90 °C
Cross-section: 25 mm² - 240 mm²
... exclusive Buflex cables have a width which divides the earth conductor and placing them in the angles that are created by the assembly of the 3 phase conductors. This unique design develops into a minor width than a 4 ...
Nominal voltage: 3,600 V - 20,000 V
Temperature: -25 °C - 90 °C
Cross-section: 25 mm² - 185 mm²
... leading supplier in the flexible cable industry. You can get a wide range of standard power cables and highly advanced power cables to perform some specialized applications. The advance ...
Nominal voltage: 3,600 V - 20,000 V
Temperature: -35 °C - 90 °C
Cross-section: 25 mm² - 120 mm²
Cavotec's Tratosflex - ESis is a cable with a minimum voltage power specifically created to meet the growing popularity and demands for a dependable and high quality power cables. It heightens the speed, ...
Nominal voltage: 1,800 V - 6,000 V
Temperature: -35 °C - 90 °C
Cross-section: 35, 50, 70 mm²
... voltage power cable which is integrated with fiber optics. It is constructed for applications that require flat power cables. Its more robust design allows for greater speed and flexibility in various ...
Nominal voltage: 3,600 V - 20,000 V
Temperature: -35 °C - 90 °C
Cross-section: 12.5 mm² - 185 mm²
The PROTOLON™ (SMK) LWL is a moderate voltage reeling cable, engineered to combat immensely higher electrical forces related to greater travel pace, powerful tensile loads of torsional forces. PROTOLON™ ...
Nominal voltage: 1,200, 2,100 V
Temperature: -40 °C - 90 °C
Cross-section: 21.5 mm² - 107.2 mm²
... High Speed Reeling Cables are specifically designed to give a more secure and high quality performing device on cable reels which utilizes all around the world with 40°C up to 50°C and up to 305 m./min ...
Nominal voltage: 1,200, 2,100 V
Temperature: -40 °C - 90 °C
Cross-section: 21.5 mm² - 107.2 mm²
The CraneMAX FO is a high speed reeling cable which is suitable for applications that require cable reelers. It can be operated within the temperature range from -40°C up to 50°C. It has a speed of 260 ...
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