Cavotec hollow-shaft slip rings
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Voltage: 125 V
Primary current: 10 A
The Slipring-type SK/GSK 59 is designed and manufactured with a broadened inner diameter. This enables the tool to be fitted with a greater number of poles. It is also constructed with a standard set of configuration features. The ...
Voltage: 500 V
Primary current: 25 A
... Slipring SK/GSK 98 is a standard slip ring type that has been designed to provide data and power transmission on the fly. It has an enlarged inner diameter. This allows using a larger number of poles. ...
Voltage: 500 V
Primary current: 16 A
The Slipring type SK/GSK 323 is a widely configured tool that can be used in power conveyance operations. This is done while simultaneously enabling substantial tubes to be fitted. It is also compatible for water treatment plants applications.
Voltage: 690 V
Primary current: 80 A
SK/GSK 400/500 is spring king with slipring features, a unique design that features variety of cross-sections that can be choose depending on the need of power current level. It offers users a bottom part and cover made of hot-dip galvanized ...
Voltage: 800 V
Primary current: 200 A
The Slipring type SK/GSK 06/07 is integrated with a broad configuration feature. It is well-suited for power conveyance operations. This also enables substantial tubes to be fitted.
Voltage: 800 V
Primary current: 300 A
The Slipring type SK/GSK 15 is a broadly configured tool that can be employed in power conveyance operations. It also enables more substantial tubes to be fitted.
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