ENVEA hazardous environment analyzers
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... measurement of: NOx, SO2, CO, O2, residual H2O, CO2, CH4 and N2O (greenhouse gases) • Environmental-friendly and cost-saving analyzer, with ultra low power consumption • No compressed air required (if using a gas cooler) • ...

... non-dispersive infrared method (NDIR-GFC) with gas filter correlation. O2 is measured by a built-in SRM paramagnetic sensor. The analyzer has been designed to meet the specific needs of on-site regulatory measurement ...

IN-SITU CLOSE-COUPLED MULTI-GAS ANALYZER A complete “all in one compact” system, for multi-gas measurements, based on the field-proven MIR 9000 analyzer and on-board SEC sampling system Fast & simultaneous ...

TUV QAL1 and MCERTS Approved, Stand alone or networked system option Particulate CEM providing high quality emission measurement for dust concentrations from industrial processes Having a 0–7.5 mg/m³ certification range, the QAL 360 ...

MULTI-GAS NDIR-GFC ANALYZER Offers excellent performance for multigas measurements in dry sampling, including HCl, HF, NO, NO2, N2O, SO2, CO, CH4, TOC, CO2 and O2. Multi-Gas NDIR-GFC analyzer (Non-Dispersive ...

PARTICULATE CEM FOR WET GAS STREAMS QAL1 approved ProScatterTM particulate CEM for the extractive sampling and measurement of particulate in saturated wet gas streams Continuous Particulate Monitoring for saturated wet stack applications ...

E-SERIES NITROGEN OXIDES ANALYZER NO, NOX & NO2 CLD based gas monitor offering superior performances for the measurement of NO, NO2 and Nox in the range 0-1 ppm or 0-10 ppm Eco-designed, reference air quality monitor, ...
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