Focused Photonics data acquisition analyzers

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sulfur dioxide analyzer
sulfur dioxide analyzer

... and data process unit, which enables auto-calibration and online data transmission to minimize customer maintenance. With decades of experience in CEMS research and development, FPI launched diverse ...

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Focused Photonics Inc.
nitrogen analyzer
nitrogen analyzer

... stations are to generate reference and représentative point-wise AQI in such région These stations and data are considered as State level standard data to be published. AQMS is equipped with a complété ...

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Focused Photonics Inc.
oxygen analyzer
oxygen analyzer
CEMS-2000 D

... designated single gas analyzers, each gas analyzer works independently to enhance the detection limited ultimately. With decades of experience in CEMS research and development, FPI launched diverse and ...

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Focused Photonics Inc.
VOC analyzer
VOC analyzer

CEMS-4000 VOC is an on-line emission monitoring system based on catalytic oxidation-FID technology, which can monitor volatile organic compounds (including total hydrocarbons, non-methane total hydrocarbons, etc.) in the flue gas. The ...

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Focused Photonics Inc.
carbon monoxide analyzer
carbon monoxide analyzer

... stationary AQI analysis. The micro AQMS is to find out the pattern of spatial pollution distribution during a certain period. These data support AQI results at the standard station, and most importantly, It gives a macro ...

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Focused Photonics Inc.
nitrogen dioxide analyzer
nitrogen dioxide analyzer

AQMS-700 CAPS NO2 analyzer is an atmospheric environment monitoring instrument based on the optical cavity attenuation phase shift technology (CAPS) which can directly measure the NO2 concentration in the ambient air ...

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Focused Photonics Inc.
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