Keller ITS infrared thermometers

1 company | 71 products
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near-infrared thermometer
near-infrared thermometer
CellaCombustion PK 62 ->Flame

Temperature: 700 °C - 1,700 °C

The CellaCombustion PK 62 is a special infrared thermometer for non-contact temperature measurement of sooty flames in coal power plants or waste incineration plants. The measurement and signal processing ...

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Keller ITS (Infrared Temperature Solutions)
pyrometer with LED display
pyrometer with LED display
CellaWafer PA 38

Temperature: 450 °C - 1,800 °C
Spectral range: 0.82 µm - 0.93 µm

The CellaWafer PA 38 is a digital pyrometer for measuring temperature of wafers from 450 to 1,800 °C. Due to its very short-wave and narrow-band measuring wavelength, this pyrometer is particularly suitable ...

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Keller ITS (Infrared Temperature Solutions)
molten metal pyrometer
molten metal pyrometer
CellaCast PT 180

Temperature: 750 °C - 2,400 °C

The mobile pyrometer CellaCast PT 180 is specifically developed for temperature measurement of liquid metals. It is used to monitor the temperature at the runner of a blast furnace, cupola furnace or at continuous casting ...

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Keller ITS (Infrared Temperature Solutions)
molten metal pyrometer
molten metal pyrometer
CellaCast PT 183

Temperature: 650 °C - 1,700 °C

The CellaCast PT 183 was specially designed for mobile temperature detection of molten metal. This handheld pyrometer can capture a metal stream poured from a foundry ladle or discharged from a bottom-pour ladle. The ...

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Keller ITS (Infrared Temperature Solutions)
near-infrared pyrometer
near-infrared pyrometer
CellaCombustion PA 47 AF1 Series

Temperature: 700 °C - 1,700 °C

... radiation of the sooty particles of the flame in the near infrared region at two wavelengths. The burn-out operation can be optimized by the flame temperature, the pollutant emission can be reduced and ...

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Keller ITS (Infrared Temperature Solutions)
two-color pyrometer
two-color pyrometer
CellaPort PT 140 Series

Temperature: 500 °C - 3,000 °C

CellaPort PT 140 is a digital pyrometer for detecting temperatures ranging from 500 bis 3000 °C. This two-colour pyrometer is far less sensitive to contaminants in the line of sight such as steam, dust ...

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Keller ITS (Infrared Temperature Solutions)
2-color pyrometer
2-color pyrometer
CellaPort PT 143 Series

Temperature: 500 °C - 2,400 °C

... field of view is the easier measurement of varying objects on the roller table, e.g. sticks or metal rods. With a portable pyrometer with a rectangular field of view, the measuring of very small objects is also much more ...

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Keller ITS (Infrared Temperature Solutions)
two-color pyrometer
two-color pyrometer
CellaTemp® PA 40

Temperature: 500 °C - 3,000 °C

The CellaTemp® PA 40 is a digital two-colour pyrometer for measuring temperatures from 500 to 3000 °C. Caused by the quotient measuring method, the device is less sensitive to disturbances due to dust and steam in the ...

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Keller ITS (Infrared Temperature Solutions)
two-color pyrometer
two-color pyrometer
CellaTemp® PA 43 Series

Temperature: 600 °C - 3,000 °C

... at random within the measurement area. Yet the pyrometer provides always a secure measurement reading within milliseconds. The target marker in the through-the-lens sighting device or, when using pyrometers ...

See the other products
Keller ITS (Infrared Temperature Solutions)
two-color pyrometer
two-color pyrometer
CellaTemp® PK 68

Temperature: 500 °C - 1,400 °C

The CellaTemp® PK 68 is an two colour pyrometer for temperature measurement from 550 to 1400 °C. A two-colour or ratio pyrometer is far less sensitive to contaminants in the line of sight such as steam, ...

See the other products
Keller ITS (Infrared Temperature Solutions)
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