Leica high-precision microscopes
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Digital microscope for failure analysis, quality assurance and control, research and development or forensics. The outstanding optics, intuitive handling and intelligent software enables the user to get reliable results. ...
Leica Microsystems GmbH
The SP8 DIVE (Deep In Vivo Explorer) is the first multiphoton microscope with spectrally tunable detection. The SP8 DIVE provides spectral freedom: Equipped with 4Tune, a tunable, non-descanned detection unit, the ...
Leica Microsystems GmbH
... uncover every detail with the highest fidelity. What’s more, the LIGHTNING detection concept extends the TCS SP8 confocal microscope by simultaneous multicolor super-resolution imaging at the full original speed.
Leica Microsystems GmbH
... . Users benefit from its ability to image, at high speed and resolution, a wide range of live specimens, including cells, tissues, and even small organisms. To achieve this performance, the microscope ...
Leica Microsystems GmbH
Nanoscopy has revolutionized the study of subcellular architecture and dynamics and is on its way to becoming the new gold standard in fluorescence imaging (Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2014). The fully integrated STED (STimulated Emission ...
Leica Microsystems GmbH
... confocal with gentle single plane illumination in one microscope. Through the invention of the TwinFlect mirror, we turned our confocal platform Leica TCS SP8 into an easy-to-use, versatile light sheet microscope.
Leica Microsystems GmbH
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