Metrohm USB measuring instruments
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SPELECRAMAN638 is an instrument for performing spectroelectrochemical Raman measurements. It combines in only one box a laser class 3B (638 nm ± 0.5), a bipotentiostat/galvanostat and a spectrometer (wavelength range ...
SPELEC1050 is an instrument for performing spectroelectrochemical measurements. It combines in only one box a Lightsource, a Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat and a Spectrometer (VIS-NIR wavelength range: 350-1050 nm) and includes ...
SPELECRAMAN is an instrument for performing spectroelectrochemical Raman measurements. It combines in only one box a laser class 3B (785 nm ± 0.5), a bipotentiostat/galvanostat and a spectrometer (wavelength range 787 ...
SPELEC is an instrument for performing spectroelectrochemical measurements. It combines in only one box a Lightsource, a Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat and a Spectrometer (UV-VIS wavelength range: 200-900 nm) and includes ...
... . It supports state-of-the-art conductivity measuring cells, i.e. 5-ring measuring cells. The Conductivity Module is equipped with two USB interfaces for connecting printers, barcode ...
... It enables the use of both conventional and intelligent sensors for measuring. Also integrated in the software is an automatic GLP-compliant pH electrode test. The pH Module has two USB interfaces for ...
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