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MINIMOTOR helical gears gear-motors
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Gear ratio: 7.4 unit - 441.9 unit
MOTOR: direct current with permanent magnets, totally enclosed with external ventilation. Class F winding. Power supply with 24 Vcc. Absorbed power 60 W. IP65 protection according to CEI EN 60529. GEAR ...
Mini Motor SPA

Gear ratio: 6.48 unit - 372.8 unit
MOTOR: direct current with permanent magnets, totally enclosed motor without external ventilation. Class F winding. 24 Vdc power supply. Max. input power 230 W. IP65 protection according to CEI EN 60529. GEAR ...
Mini Motor SPA

Gear ratio: 48.7 unit - 1,770.9 unit
MOTOR: direct current, totally enclosed without external ventilation. Class F winding. 24 Vdc power supply. Max. absorbed power 230 W. IP65 protection according to CEI EN 60529. GEAR UNIT: fi rst stage ...
Mini Motor SPA

Gear ratio: 6.48 unit - 372.8 unit
MOTOR: asynchronous single or three phase with 2 or 4 poles, totally enclosed, with External ventilation. Thermal safety cutout on single phase model. Class F winding. IP65 protection according to CEI EN 60529. GEAR ...
Mini Motor SPA

... special 15 gear ratios (i) available, from 7,4 to 441,9. Rated torque from 0,8 to 5 Nm. Version B3 or B5. White epoxy protective coating. ALWAYS specify application environments Inline helical ...
Mini Motor SPA

Gear ratio: 6.48 unit - 372.8 unit
INLINE HELICAL GEARED MOTORS. MOTOR: Asynchronous three-phase motor with 2 poles, totally Class H winding in accordance with CEI EN 60034-1. IP67 standard protection ...
Mini Motor SPA
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