- Metrology - Laboratory >
- Metrology and Test Equipment >
- Analog micrometer >
MITUTOYO analog micrometers
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Measuring range: 0 mm - 1,000 mm
Lightweight workshop design with baked-enamel-finished frame. •Equipped with Ratchet Stop for constant measuring force.
Measuring range: 0 mm - 100 mm
This Screw Thread Micrometer has a fixed anvil, offering the following benefits: •Fixed anvil type. •It directly indicates screw pitch diameter, meaning no need for calculation.
Measuring range: 0 mm - 100 mm
This Internal Groove Micrometer is designed to measure the width and location of grooves cut into bore walls. It offers the following features: • Two-directional ratchet stop A non-digital tubular Mitutoyo micrometer ...
Measuring range: 5 mm - 30 mm
The Caliper Jaw Inside Micrometer offers you the following benefits: • Carbide measuring faces • A setting standard (optional) is needed to accurately set the micrometer to the reference point.
Measuring range: 0 mm - 25 mm
This Depth Micrometer offers you the following benefits: •ø4 mm measuring rod. •Ratchet stop provides you with constant measuring force. •Measuring rod lock. •Carbide-tipped measuring rod model is available.
Measuring range: 0 mm - 300 mm
This interchangeable rod type micrometer can be used for wide range measurements. It offers you the following benefits: • ∅4 mm interchangeable rods, with lapped measuring surfaces, enable you to make wide-range ...
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