MORNSUN case power supplies

1 company | 3 products
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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AC/DC power supply
AC/DC power supply
LM50-23BxxR2 series

Input voltage: 80 V - 430 V
Output voltage: 5 V - 54 V
Current: 0.93 A - 10 A

... industrial standard enclosed power supply, which has innovatedtheindustrial power supply standard from the aspect of dimension, performance, technology and structure. ...

AC/DC power supply
AC/DC power supply
LM150-23BxxR2 series

Input voltage: 80 V - 430 V
Output voltage: 12 V - 54 V
Current: 2.8 A - 12.5 A

... standard mental case-type power supply that Mornsunhas innovatedthe industrial chassis power supply standard from the dimensions of size, performance, ...

AC/DC power supply
AC/DC power supply
LM350-22BxxR2 series

Input voltage: 176 V - 370 V
Output voltage: 12 V - 54 V
Current: 6.5 A - 29 A

... enclosed power supply, which has innovatedtheindustrial power supply standard from the aspect of dimension, performance, technology and structure. It features general ...

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