PILZ plug-in monitoring relays
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... have a safe and efficient solution: our safety light barriers, light curtains and light grids monitoring devices PSENopt, in conjunction with the muting relay PMUT X1P. The material can pass through the ...

Tripping current: 16 A - 40 A
Use the modular safety relay PNOZpower to monitor E-STOP, safety gates and light barriers. With PNOZpower you can switch currents of up to 16 A AC/DC per contact. An overall breaking capacity of 40 A is available per ...

Trigger voltage: 24 V - 240 V
Standstill monitoring relay for monitoring DC and three-phase motors, 2 C/O contacts, plug-in terminals of screw type, width 22.5 mm, UB = 24 - 240 V AC/DC. General ...

Tripping current: 4 A
Trigger voltage: 230, 240 V
Safety relay (standalone), inputs: 1-channel wiring, outputs: 2 N/O, automatic/manual start, UB = 230 - 240 V AC, width: 22.5 mm, plug-in terminals of screw type, monitoring of E-STOP, ...

Tripping current: 8, 5 A
Trigger voltage: 24, 240 V
... outputs - 0 Relay outputs Utilisation cat. AC/DC1 stand. - EN 60947-4-1 Utilisation cat. AC15/DC13sta. - EN 60947-5-1 Safety contacts: pilot duty - B300, R300 Relay contact material - AgSnO2 ...

Tripping current: 6, 5 A
Trigger voltage: 24 V
Safety relay (standalone), inputs: 1/2-channel wiring with/without detection of shorts across contacts, outputs: 3 N/O, 1 N/C, automatic/manual start, UB 24 V AC/DC, width: 22.5 mm, plug-in screw terminals, ...

Tripping current: 8, 5 A
Trigger voltage: 230, 240 V
Safety relay (standalone), inputs: 1/2-channel wiring with/without detection of shorts across contacts, outputs: 7 N/O, 1 N/C,2 SC, automatic/manual/monitored start, start-up test UB 230 - 240 V AC/24 V DC, width: 90 ...

Trigger voltage: 24 V
... outputs - 0 Relay outputs Utilisation cat. AC/DC1 stand. - EN 60947-4-1 Utilisation cat. AC15/DC13sta. - EN 60947-5-1 Safety contacts: AC at UL - 250 VAC G.U. (same polarity) Safety contacts: pilot duty - ...

Trigger voltage: 24 V
Head module of the modular safety relay myPNOZ, inputs: 2 for monitoring 1 safety function: 1/2-channel wiring with/without detection of shorts across contacts, outputs: 1 signal output insemiconductor ...
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