RK Rose+Krieger height-adjustable workstations

1 company | 6 products
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assembly workstation
assembly workstation

... electric cylinders can be used to easily adjust the working height, inclination or grip widths - to name just a few - to the respective employee. The cost-effectiveness of these workstations is also ...

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RK Rose+Krieger GmbH
assembly workstation
assembly workstation

Lean Production – Ergonomic workstation design in production Lean management, Lean production and Kaizen are concepts encountered with increasing frequency when it comes to optimising production processes, reducing ...

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RK Rose+Krieger GmbH
assembly workstation
assembly workstation

... which the cobots can be moved horizontally or vertically to the respective location of use. In conjunction with height-adjustable workstations and pick to light systems, they open up ...

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RK Rose+Krieger GmbH
assembly workstation
assembly workstation
RK Easywork

... health. Good ergonomics in the workstation increases productivity and reduces absences due to illness. Ergonomic assembly workstation systems increase productivity and reduce physical strain Being ...

See the other products
RK Rose+Krieger GmbH
poka-yoke workstation
poka-yoke workstation

When it comes to assembly at workstations, the supplied components are picked manually. In the process, it is almost inevitable that incorrect elements are picked and installed as a result of the routine of the employees. ...

See the other products
RK Rose+Krieger GmbH
assembly workstation
assembly workstation

Lean Management and Kaizen are concepts encountered with increasing frequency when it comes to optimising production processes, reducing (and ideally eliminating) waste, and implementing continuous incremental improvement. These are issues ...

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RK Rose+Krieger GmbH
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