TSM Control Systems filling machine batch blenders

1 company | 6 products
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resin batch blender
resin batch blender

Accuracy: 0.01 %
Flow rate: 50 kg/h

OPTI-MIX 50 Batch Blenders can accommodate up to four material components while providing throughput rates up to 50 kg/hr (110lb/hr). OPTI-MIX 50 utilizes TSM slide valve design and patented reverse-flight ...

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TSM Control Systems
gravimetric batch blender
gravimetric batch blender

Accuracy: 0.01 %
Flow rate: 350 kg/h

The OPTIMIX-300 Series Batch Blender can accommodate up to four material components while providing throughput rates up to 350 kg/hr. The range of blenders utilises the patented TSM slide ...

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TSM Control Systems
gravimetric batch blender
gravimetric batch blender

Accuracy: 0.01 %
Flow rate: 650 kg/h

The OPTIMIX-600 Series Batch Blender can accommodate up to four material components while providing throughput rates up to 650 kg/hr. The range of blenders utilises the patented TSM slide ...

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TSM Control Systems
gravimetric batch blender
gravimetric batch blender

Accuracy: 0.01 %
Flow rate: 1,000 kg/h

The OPTIMIX-1000 Series Batch Blender can accommodate up to four material components while providing throughput rates up to 1000 kg/hr. The range of blenders utilises the patented TSM ...

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TSM Control Systems
gravimetric batch blender
gravimetric batch blender

Accuracy: 0.01 %
Flow rate: 1,500 kg/h

The OPTIMIX-1500 Series Batch Blender can accommodate up to four material components while providing throughput rates up to 1500 kg/hr. The range of blenders utilises the patented TSM ...

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TSM Control Systems
gravimetric batch blender
gravimetric batch blender

Flow rate: 3,000 kg/h

OPTI-MIX 3000 Batch Blender can accommodate up to twelve components while providing throughput rates up to 3000kg/hr (6,600lb/hr). OPTI-MIX 3000 utilizes TSM slide valve design and the patented reverse-flight ...

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TSM Control Systems
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