Detector de vazamento de água Correlux C-3

Detector de vazamento de água - Correlux C-3 - Megger Germany GmbH & SebaKMT - acústico / portátil / compacto
Detector de vazamento de água - Correlux C-3 - Megger Germany GmbH & SebaKMT - acústico / portátil / compacto
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Fluido detectado
de água
Outras características
portátil, compacto, móvel, sem fio, com auscultadores, ultrassensível
para pequenas fugas, para tubulações, para dutos


Correlux C-3 - Hybrid correlator for online and offline measurements Special features: ■ Easy to use with touch display ■ Multi-correlation without pipe parameter input ■ Long operating time and inductive sensor charging ■ Online and offline correlation ■ Pinpoint location using multi-sensors or ground microphone ■ Perfect for plastic pipes and pipelines Application: ■ Prelocation, Pinpointing The Correlux C-3 correlator locates leaks in drinking water pipes. Pressurized water at the leak location creates a noise which travels out in all directions of the pipe. This noise is recorded, amplified and sent wirelessly to the correlator by two sensors (piezo microphone, hydrophone) which are attached to the pipe (e.g. valve, hydrants). The Correlux C-3 compares both signals (correlation) and calculates the exact distance to the leakage on the basis of the delay time of the signals, the sensor distance and the sound velocity in the pipe.


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18-20 mar 2025 Amsterdam (Países Baixos)

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    18-20 mar 2025 Brno (República Checa)

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