Group: Nivora Holding B.V.
Bewo Cutting Systems B.V.
About Us
Bewo has been active in the market for cutting solutions for more than 50 years, and has gained a long experience that we would like to use for our consulting. We offer customized solutions for (automation) issues around the cutting process. Our products characterize by high reliability, using advanced technology components, emphasising on high performance. Bewo offers a total solution, which goes beyond the supply of just an installation.
Maintenance and aftercare are seen as an integral part of our service, and we consider this when developing our products. In short, we advise you on the purchasing process and take care of the operation and maintenance of your system.
Our values
Bewo core values
1. From Consultancy to customized automatic cutting solutions
2. Turnkey plus approach in which Bewo advises, brokers and delivers products not included in its portfolio
3. Scalable total solutions that are aimed at unoburdening customers.