About Us

The arrival of a new brand of vacuum presses and ovens is often justified by the need for innovation in a specific sector. This is obviously the case with BUGATOOL.

As a manufacturer of hydraulic presses and a key player in the PVC market for more than 40 years, and with our presence in more than 85 countries, it seemed natural to open a thermoforming division on the very demanding Solid surface market.

Now a day we manufacture the most reliable thermoforming machine for solid surface.

Our values

We focus on quality

We are aware that our products are intended to serve and represent you. We attach importance to the execution of our Production Processes in order to obtain the highest quality product for your highest productivity.

We train your teams

Our achievements in thermoforming techniques come from 8 years of constant research and collaboration with more than 200 workshops worldwide.

We accompany our customers

No project should be given for impossible before consulting us.
We find innovative solutions for every complex project.

We Innovate to stay competitive

We work in a sector with high technological value and use materials that were unknown only 40 years ago. Our concern for innovation is a constant identity.

We focus on quality

We are aware that our products are intended to serve and represent you. We attach importance to the execution of our Production Processes in order to obtain the highest quality product for your highest productivity.

We train your teams

Our achievements in thermoforming techniques come from 8 years of constant research and collaboration with more than 200 workshops worldwide.

We accompany our customers

No project should be given for impossible before consulting us.
We find innovative solutions for every complex project.

We Innovate to stay competitive

We work in a sector with high technological value and use materials that were unknown only 40 years ago. Our concern for innovation is a constant identity.