About Us

Since their founding in the early 1980’s CAEB INTERNATIONAL have seen a great many changes in their business, products and services.

1983 CAEB INTERNATIONAL were established in Bergamo, Northern Italy, in a strategic position about 40 km awayfrom Milan. Their vision was to improve the work and the lifestyle of small farmers and breeders, especially of those living in difficult mountain areas.

’80s & ’90s Different machines for the haymaking were presented onto the international markets. Still today these machines represent the company core production: it is the small-size round balers MOUNTAINPRESS 550 and MOUNTAINPRESS 550 TPL, the small-size wrappers MOUNTAINSILOS 550 and MOUNTAINSILOS 550 ATP and the small-size transporters MINICARGO.

1999 Taking advantage of its knowledge in the agriculture area, the company entered the environmental technology business by developing the rotary compactor for waste materials OMNIPRESS 800..

2000 – 2018 While working at the technical development of its machines for the haymaking and of OMNIPRESS 800, the company starts producing the small- size round-baler for vineyard and orchard trimmings QUICKPOWER. Over the years the plants EPS Line, EBS Line and ECS Line to make pellets, briquettes and chips out of the vineyard trimmings bales with QUICKPOWER were developed. The company further presented EDY CHIPPER, a technologically innovative self-propelled picking-mulching machine for trimmings of crops in rows and THERMOSYSTEM Chip Line, a range of chip-fuelled boilers.

Our values

Integrity, Commitment, Quality, Customer Orientation and Innovation are the true essence of how we work in every product and service we offer our customers. It is the ideals we believe in and we work towards.