Who we are

Name of company: CHINO CORPORATION

Line of business: Manufacture and sales of instrumentation and control equipment/instrumentation work.

Established on: August 1, 1936

Capital: ¥4,292 million

Stock listing: Tokyo Stock Exchange, Prime Market

Employees: 688(consolidated 1106)

For details, please refer to our website as in below.

Our values

The CHINO Group pushes the limits of measurement, control, and monitoring technologies and contributes to the advance of industry and the realization of tomorrow’s society.

Management Vision for Our 90th Anniversary (2026)

Co-Creation: While capturing changes in the environment, we will create new value together with our stakeholders.

Strengths: We will inspire our customers through loop solutions based on our superior technology.

Reliability: We will strengthen our bonds of trust and continue growing toward the future through passion and teamwork.

For details, please refer to our website as in below.