About Us
DIMECO flexible forming line and coil handling and pressfeeding line in the markets of uncoiling / straightening / feeding / slitting / shearing of coils, is a remarkable company in several ways, including:
- a manufacturer of experience and expertise of leader since 1965
- a family owned business and a 4th generation in control
- global coverage with 45 agents
- the ooening of the USA subsidiary "DIMECO coil technology, Inc.".
- A presence in the Indian and Spanish market with a dedicated sales network and production capacity included in its own factories.
Our values
The other strength of the Pirey based company is its constant adaptation to the specifications of its customers.
It responds to an increasingly complex requests for which it provides solutions from its standard range with the flexibility and the ability to adapt standard technologies.
A highlight also with the arrival of the LASER cutting, DIMECO is today able to provide one of the best but also one of the most flexible and innovative production tool.
This original approach and unique expertise are always appreciated by big accounts but also small and medium size companies who require efficiency, profitability and authenticity in their investment projects.
In 2016, the company changed its legal identity and organization by merging its subsidiaries in PIREY (Dimeco Alipresse with Rotobloc-PSP).
DIMECO also adopted on this occasion a more dynamic communication style: a new logo and a new website more fluid and suitable for mobile technologies. Visit DIMECO on www.dimeco.com.
DIMECO means integrating the authenticity!