
Who we are

Inspection specialists in Oil & Gas, Power Generation, Chemistry, Composite Engineering, and other fields detect gas leaks with our ultrasonic cameras to protect people, improve plant reliability, and increase performance.

Leveraging Acoustic Leak Imaging (ALI), Distran Ultra Pro, Distran Ultra Pro X, and Distran Ultra CE are acoustic imaging cameras that pinpoint gas leaks from far distances, without contact with the gas, and in unexpected locations. Inspection times are up to 10 times shorter than with other techniques.

Ultrasonic imaging cameras detect leaks of any gas: hydrogen, compressed air, methane, nitrogen, steam, vacuum leaks, and more. Based on the combination of an integrated microphone array with an optical camera, the easy-to-use Distran Ultrasonic Cameras capture ultrasound and show the accurate locations of the leaks.

Our values

Distran’s mission is to make industrial plants safer and reduce their environmental footprint through the use of sound sensing and technology.

Workers use their ears every day, consciously or unconsciously, to assess machine conditions. Traditional acoustic sensors have long been used for that purpose, but are limited by the background sounds present in typical industrial environments. Phased-array sensors developed by Distran overcome this limitation by spatially filtering the sounds. It becomes possible to locate defects, such as leaks or discharges, while being at a safe distance.