
About Us

Elmarco is a leading supplier of equipment for the production of nanofibrous materials on an industrial scale. We offer a portfolio of Nanospider machines in a wide range from the preparation of laboratory samples to industrial production in large volumes. Therefore, our customers can move their existing production to a higher level of production at any time and easily. We supply Nanospider ™ production lines as a comprehensive production technology, which consists of a number of peripheral devices. We use experience from numerous industrial installations and provide each customer with a comprehensive tailor-made solution.

Milestones in the history of the company

Elmarco has been operating on the spinning machine market since 2004, when it concluded a license agreement with the Technical University of Liberec for the revolutionary principle of free-surface electrospinning. We delivered the first industrial production line based on Nanospider technology in 2006.

We focus on the continuous development of Nanospider technology, on which the entire portfolio of our machines is based, and therefore in 2008 we established our own research and development center with an area of ​​3,000 m2.

An important milestone was the year 2010, when we launched our own generation of Nanospider technology - the LINEA line, which is successfully used mainly for the production of nanofibrous materials applied in air filtration products and functional clothing membranes. The LINEA line is constantly being innovated to provide the highest standard of quality.

In 2022, we introduced the INFINITY line, which enables the production of high-performance nanofiber membranes for use in HEPA and liquid filtration. The INFINITY line allows us to expand the possibilities of using nanofibers in other fields.

Our values

We believe that quality control, reliability, safety and the environment, as well as impeccable / integrity business ethics are absolutely essential for the successful development of a company.

1. Mission
Our mission is to develop and supply pilot technology and equipment for the industrial production of nanofibrous materials, and thus contribute to improving the quality of life.

2. Vision
We want to provide our customers with added value and a competitive advantage. Develop to ensure the continuity and prosperity of society. Maintain the highest possible level of knowledge and performance.

3. Values

We consider our customers and suppliers to be partners with whom we share both risks and profits.

We see change as an opportunity to further improve and outperform the competition.

We support direct, open and honest communication throughout the company. We treat our co-workers with dignity and appreciate their achievements (abilities).

We share know-how and best practices between departments and develop teamwork.

We stimulate the right level of expectations and set ambitious goals.

We turn our words into deeds.

Our International Locations