About Us

The HEF Group: 70 years of surface materials engineering expertise HEF is a world-renowned expert in surface materials engineering with three areas of expertise: tribology, photonics and hydrogen technologies.

We develop new materials and processes to meet the societal challenges of our customers in the mobility, construction, low-carbon energy, defence, space and medical sectors.

HEF is based in Saint-Etienne, a region home to industrial innovation. We operate a vertical integration model based on intensive R&D that mobilises 8 to 10% of turnover and leads to globalised industrialisation, with 80% of activity carried out internationally.

We are a pioneer in social innovation, with two thirds of our capital held by our employees. This provides us with fi nancial solidity that supports our long-term investment and rational growth strategy.

HEF’s commitment to preserving the environment is refl ected in the circular economy of our
processes and a product range designed to replace polluting technologies.

Our values


As its founder, Jean Jacques CAUBET, wished, HEF is mostly owned by its employees through a share incentive plan introduced in 1973. This original feature is one of the fundamental pillars on which the Group rests. It has made it possible to construct its development in a lasting manner and leads to involvement of its employees in strategic decisions. Its independence is ensured and this capitalist structure guarantees the Group financial autonomy enabling it to continuously invest in Research and Development so as to be at the forefront of innovation in order to meet its customers' requirements.


Research and development is historically the HEF Group's activity. From tribology research and consultancy for its own requirements and for outside customers, HEF extended its research activity to surface engineering.HEF is multiplying national and international partnerships so as to add to its portfolio of technologies and its research resources.
HEF supports changes in society and is investing in:

Reduction of polluting emissions

New energies

New surface functions


In as high-tech an area as surface engineering, it quickly became necessary for HEF to make itself known outside France so as to permit the expansion of its most innovative solutions and to put them within everyone's reach. In addition, this early and controlled worldwide development enables the HEF Group to make its considerable Research & Development efforts profitable and always to keep itself at the forefront in the resolution of tribology problems. Today, the Group is present in about twenty countries and can guarantee large accounts that the same technologies and the same levels of quality as those proposed in France or in Germany are available in its Chinese, Polish, Brazilian, American, etc. units.


For several years now, the HEF Group has made the current environmental challenges a priority, devoting 50% of its research budget to environmental themes. By improving surface friction, tribology makes it possible to reduce CO2 emissions by reducing fuel consumption in cars and aircraft, etc. Photovoltaic energy, thermal solar energy, hydrogen cells, water treatment, etc. are subjects which HEF tackles and for which the Group wishes to provide answers, thus participating in sustainable development. Finally, HEF proposes numerous innovative and clean substitute treatments for electrolytic treatments using heavy metals and the implementation of which creates pollution (replacement of hard chromium, nickel cadmium, etc.).

Our International Locations