About Us
About JVL- JVL is a world leader within the development and production of efficient and compact integrated servo motors and integrated stepper motors. MAC motor® are a series of integrated brushless servo motors (up to 4500 W and 13.5 kW peak) and QuickStep® are a series of integrated stepper motors (up to 25 Nm). Both the servo motor and stepper motor series includes the controller, Nano-PLC, encoder and bus system integrated into one compact unit. All industrial Ethernet protocols like Profinet, EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP, ModbusTCP and Powerlink are available.
JVL has more than 25 years of motion control experience and are well-known for their development and production of highly specialized integrated motors with industrial Ethernet and customized improvements. The close co-operation with customers and representatives result in cost-effective and technical optimized solutions for both basic and advanced motion control applications.
JVL's wide selection of quality products for motion control applications include: Integrated brushless Servo motors, Integrated Stepper motors, AC Servo motor controllers, Motor drivers (DC, AC and Steppers), Brakes, Gear boxes and HMI touch panels.
For further information, please contact:
JVL A/S, Bregnerødvej 127, DK-3460 Birkerød, Denmark, Tel. +45 4582 4440, sales@jvl.dk, www.jvl.dk
Our values
JVL’s Vision is to be the world's best manufacturer of integrated servo and stepper motors
JVL’s Mission is to provide reliable, easy to use, cost saving integrated servo and stepper motors