Group: HPS International
About Us
STAS-LIFTEUROP – an unique partner for your lifting accessories
STAS-LIFTEUROP designs, produces and sells very high quality lifting equipment, which ensures the safety of people and goods.
Created in 1953 in Sartrouville, Ile-de-France, STAS extends today its European and worldwide activities under the name LIFTEUROP, at the heart of the group leader ALIPA.
With more than 60 years of experience, our lifting accessories connect quality and aesthetic value.
The full spectrum includes cable lifting slings, chain lifting slings, textile lifting slings, lifting accessories like lifting rings, shackles, hooks and lifting systems: beams, lifting claws… (See our full catalogue)
STAS-LIFTEUROP has a lot of clients amongst the aeronautical and automobile industries, the steel and heavy industries, administration, the army and many other sectors of the economy.
The group exports its lifting equipment to more than 40 countries worldwide.
Its business account is permanently growing.
European origins
The manufacturing plant is situated in Wiltz at the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
STAS-LIFTEUROP manufactures its lifting accessories in workshops equipped with the adequate machinery and the controlling equipment necessary, amongst which are the 85-tons drawing mills.
In order to guarantee the best quality of its lifting systems, STAS-LIFTEUROP does its own assembling of parts and applies the tried and tested rules of manufacturing.
STAS-LIFTEUROP has received the certificates ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. The company is also a holder of the label RSE (Social Responsibility for Companies), a token of engagement into the management of sustainable development.
Study development office and made-to-measure
STAS-LIFTEUROP has an internal study development office able to respond to very specific demands to satisfy the business accounts of its clients.
Delivery details
Thanks to its positioning at the heart of Europe and the flexibility of its workshops, STAS-LIFTEUROP can deliver specific lifting equipment with very short notice.
STAS-LIFTEUROP belongs to the European ALIPA Group, expert for lifting and packaging solutions.

Our values
Respect is our key value:
Respect for customers : we aim to deliver on time, supplying products that respect its values. We know that it is our customers who pay our salaries and can drop us whenever they want!
Respect for colleagues, their cultural identity and physical integrit: at Group ALIPA, we have a mix of nationalities speaking different languages and who have different customs and lifestyles. We ask our staff to take this opportunity to open up to the world.
Respect for authority : as in any organisation that functions properly, there are rules that must be respected at ALIPA. The first is to obey orders given by superiors or their representatives.
Respect for the equipment and installations provided : order and cleanliness are vital to quality production and worker safety.
Respect for quality standards and certifications : to meet our customers and stakeholders demands, the ALIPA Group complies with the stringent standards and certifications.
Respect for the environment : with ISO 14001 certification, we are committed to reduce the environmental impact of our activities as manufacturer.