M.A.E. S.r.l.

Who we are

MAE company has been established in 1982 and its occupation was mainly related to the production of precision electronics instruments for geophysics surveys; since the beginning its main purpose has always been to join the accuracy of the data acquisition systems to the huge possibilities coming from the epochal technological innovation represented by “microchips” and the personal computers which were starting coming on the international markets.

Thanks to their technological and innovative nature, the digital networks for the territorial macro and micro activities of seismic monitoring designed and produced by MAE, are immediately appreciated both by the Italian National Seismic Service (depending at that time on the Minister of Public Works), which favors an installation on a regional basis (over the years, this covering will extend to the following regions: Campania, Toscana, Umbria, Abruzzo, Molise and a mobile seismic network will be also provided, which will be located on a special vehicle, able to promptly occur in case of emergencies); and also by many services and foreign seismic observatories.

Among these, we can remind the seismic and inclinometric network installed in Quito - Ecuador (1982) or the 24 bit digital telemetry seismic network, developed together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and OGS (National institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics), which has its control and data processing centre at IGEM, National Institute of Geophysics in Georgia (2005).

Strongly believing in its mission of technological innovation in the field of geophysics surveys instruments, in 1983, MAE introduces the PS-8 seismograph to the world: one of the first completely digital and computerized hand-held seismographs, provided with integrated Pc, monitor, keyboard and data save on 5.4” floppy disc. During the same year, the first georesistivimeter GR-1 is also introduced.

On investing in research and development, MAE has constantly innovated and expanded its proposals, reaching over the years, all sectors of geotechnical and C.N.D. (Non destructive Controls) geophysics surveys. From MAE’s Research and Development Department, in the 90s, MAE AUTOMATION division is created with the purpose of developing industrial and civil automation systems within the management of production lines and process control. Among the systems developed, it is appropriate to remind (in order to be brief) those concerning the staff management, such as systems for the control of entrances to the building, for the satellite control of “vehicles fleets”, for the automation of concrete and bitumen production, for the remote monitoring of water resources, for the automatic management of aqueducts and much more.

One of the peculiar features of MAE is represented by its “made-to-measure systems” design and production, studied in accordance with the specific customer requirements and using the most advanced technologies currently available. Learning from the experience of MAE AUTOMATION, the domestic management platform TELECASA is created: one of the very first platforms on the market in the field of what at that time was defined (in a pioneering way) as domestic automation and which is nowadays better-known as “domotics”.

Da sempre MAE si caratterizza per la progettazione e la produzione di sistemi su misura, studiati sulla base delle esigenze del cliente utilizzando le tecnologie più avanzate attualmente disponibili. Dall’esperienza di MAE AUTOMAZIONE nasce anche la piattaforma di gestione domestica TELECASA, fra le primissime piattaforme ad essere immesse sul mercato nel campo di quella che all'epoca veniva chiamata pionieristicamente "automazione domestica" e che oggi è meglio conosciuta con il nome di "domotica".

Our values

Our presence around the world