Next Industries s.r.l

About Us

Next Industries srl - We Make IIoT and Wearable Devices with Natural User Experience.

We deal with motion technologies in different fields of application:

- Bridge Monitoring and other Structural monitoring

- Landslide Monitoring and other kind of monitoring plants

- Wearable Devices

Next Industries designs and manufactures high accuracy data acquisition loggers, gateway and wearable provided with Internet of Things technology. Thanks to wireless connectivity our device is able tocommunicate with cloud, to manage alarms and/or notifications. Next Industries' innovative products respect the Earth; wireless, low power and small size devices to be included in projects development and management of "Resilient and Inclusive Smart Cities".


- reduce maintenance and operations costs

- reduce the risk of structural collapses

- automatize data reading and collection

- improve safety in workplaces, public places, buildings, infrastructures

Linkedin :

Next Industries’ innovative products respect the Earth; wireless, low power and small size devices to be included in projects development and management of “resilient and inclusive smart cities”.

Our values

VALUE PROPOSITION: Our devices help industrial companies who want to detect motion and prevent damages by using connected devices and avoiding to be on site

VISION: the Natural User Interface is new way for interaction with digital world. The ability to control device with Natural User interface alone has a broad range of application in IoT and beyond. We want to become innovation leaders in engineering solutions through a Design Thinking approach, supplying simple-to.use products for the Structural/Infrastructural, Energy, Environmental and Industrial markets.

MISSION: We connect real world through Internet in open source, ecologic and sustainable way. We want to shake User Experience with our products up. We imagine technology with fresh design as a natural extension of the man. This is our User Experience Revolution.

Become worldwide innovation leader in engineering solutions through a Design Thinking approach, supplying simple-to-use products for the Structural/Infrastructural, Energy, Environmental and Industrial markets