Who we are

NO-NAIL BOXES employs around hundred people at its installations in Wiltz. Since 1961 it has been manufacturing collapsible plywood and steel boxes that are used for packaging, transport and storage by leading European industries.

More than 90% of these boxes are made to measure to the specifications of customers operating in fields such as chemicals, metallurgy, defence and armaments, mechanical engineering, etc. in France, Benelux, Germany, Switzerland, Spain and Italy. Most of these boxes are used for the shipment of exports by land, sea and air throughout the world. The boxes comply with the standard NIMP15, and some are approved for the transport of dangerous products.

All plywood packing cases are manufactured according to an ISO 9001 certified process – a guarantee of continuous improvement.

NO-NAIL BOXES holds the RSE label (for corporate social responsibility) and is recognised as a company that integrates the three pillars of sustainable development: the social dimension and equal opportunities, governance and the environment

Environmental protection and the sustainable use of natural resources form an integral part of the philosophy of NO-NAIL BOXES. Several certifications/labels bear witness to its commitment:

ISO 14001: demonstrates its commitment to minimizing the impact of its activities on the environment.

SuperDrecksKëscht® fir Betriber: confirms its involvement in waste prevention, management and reduction,

PEFC: provides proof that its collapsible PEFC-certified plywood crates contribute to sustainable forest management, meaning an environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable approach to forest management.

NO-NAIL BOXES also holds the Made in Luxembourg label and is a member of MLQE (Luxembourg Movement for Quality and Excellence).

Acknowledged as a reliable international trade operator and partner by customs authorities, NO-NAIL BOXES is AEO (Authorised Economic Operator) certified since December 2014.

Our values

Respect is our key value:

Respect for customers : we aim to deliver on time, supplying products that respect its values. We know that it is our customers who pay our salaries and can drop us whenever they want!

Respect for colleagues, their cultural identity and physical integrit: at NO-NAIL BOXES, we have a mix of nationalities speaking different languages and who have different customs and lifestyles. We ask our staff to take this opportunity to open up to the world.

Respect for authority : as in any organisation that functions properly, there are rules that must be respected at NO-NAIL BOXES. The first is to obey orders given by superiors or their representatives.

Respect for the equipment and installations provided : order and cleanliness are vital to quality production and worker safety.

Respect for quality standards and certifications : to meet our customers and stakeholders demands, NO-NAIL BOXES complies with the stringent standards and certifications.

Respect for the environment : with ISO 14001 certification, we are committed to reduce the environmental impact of our activities as manufacturer.