Optomet GmbH

About Us

The Beginning

In 2004, Dirk Günther founded Optomet GmbH together with his business partner and former fellow student Qian Liu. Since then, the company has been developing and producing “state of the art” measurement technology for the highest requirements of vibration analysis in industry and research at its headquarter in Darmstadt.


In 2011, the Darmstadt-based company was the first ever to use Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) in its instruments. FPGAs are the key components for pushing laser Doppler vibrometers to the limits of what is technically possible. Optomet was also the first company in the world to demonstrate the infrared scanning vibrometer. It was introduced at the Automotive Testing Expo in Stuttgart in 2015. With the launch of the new imaging full-field vibrometer software OptoSCAN for intuitive data acquisition as well as analysis and visualization of vibrations in 2018, another revolutionary milestone was set in the laser vibrometer market.

Our values

“To always strive for the best solution possible and to go to the limit of what is technologically feasible without even a single compromise.” This motivation from the founding days still describes the Optomet DNA. To this day, the only questions underlying the development of every products are: Where are the technical limits and how can they be extended?

Our International Locations