Who we are

OROS designs and manufactures noise and vibration signal analyzers (from 2 to 320+ channels, rugged, portable and real-time), applications-oriented software with dedicated interfaces and associated services (assistance in measurements, on-site diagnostic, training)

Celebrating 30-years of innovation, OROS masters the latest technology of data acquisition, digital signal processing as well as user interface software.

OROS instruments are used in the major sectors of industry and research: aerospace, marine, energy and process, automotive, manufacturing and automation. They cover a wide range of applications: industrial acoustics, structural dynamics and rotating machinery applications. Hardware and software are totally designed in-house (France).

Reliability & efficiency are our ambition everyday. We know our customers require the same for their measurement instruments: comprehensive solutions providing performance and assurance, designed to fit the challenges of their demanding world. The OROS solutions are made for laboratory, in-vehicle/on-board tests or test cells.

Our values

Kundenorientiertes Denken und Handeln bestimmen die täglichen Aufgaben aller OROS Mitarbeiter und spiegeln unsere Unternehmenswerte wider. Unsere gesamte Organisation ist auf maximale Kundenzufriedenheit ausgerichtet.