OVIT srl
About Us
Italian company located in Milan hinterland operating since 1964 in the Italian and worldwide market.
Our company started its activity for the production of cold cathod fluorescent tubes for the illumination of big areas and open spaces; luminous and road signs.
Through many years we developped new equipment using the technology of our lamps: exposure frames and light control tables gave the possibility to enter in the graphic arts market in '70s.
Since those years our range of products has been enlarged with color control tables and boxes at 5000°K, film and plate processors, exposure frames.
Between 2000 and 2010 we were very focused in the production of offset plate processors, manily during the Computer To Plate ages, where we reached a very good quality level thanks to our great experience. Big number of installations with the satisfaction of our dealers, distributors and customers. We became one of the biggest manufacturer of this kind of machine in terms of sales in the world.
Recently we dedicated resources to develop new solutions for ecology, economy and quality with new equipment for offset and flexo printing, liquid filtration systems, cleaning units.
Our values
We are an Italian company focused for many years in the production of graphic arts equipment, i.e. traditional and ctp plate processors, gumming units for chemistry free plates, film processors, plate washers, flexo plates cleaner, copy frames, automatic and manual ovens, complete automatic line, stackers, filtration systems for water, chemistry and fountain solution, reverse osmosis, densitometer, plate readers.
We manufacture a wide range of plate processors for any kind of tecnology : for thermal and violet plates, for high or medium-low production. Gumming units for the new chemistry free plates, thermal or violet.
In addition all the accessories as conveyors, stackers, automaitc and manual ovens.
New section dedicated to the liquid filtration as water recyclers, develop and fountain solution economizer. Different solutions for osmosis systems, studied for the needs of the graphic arts.
Very precise and accurate densitometer and plate readers for a careful color control. One mission we have since many years!
We are present all over Italy with direct delegates and partners; in many countries of the world with a large network of dealers. We mainly cover at the moment the European markets, North and South Africa, Brazil, Arab Countries.
Even big world-wide companies and important distributors (such as Heidelberg, Agfa, Screen) have choosen OVIT as a trustworty partners to ofefr high quality equipment to their customers.
Everywhere you are you'll be in the position to buy an OVIT product with all the guarantee you need!