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Pulitor Utensili Diamantati

About Us

PULITOR has a 30 year experience in the field of diamond tools, the research and the development of new products are the base of the efforts and the investments of the company, creating a range of high quality products for cutting, always in step with the progress and with the continuous evolution of the market, in order to offer an innovative product up to customer needs.

25+Years in business

60+Skilled workers

2391+Satisfied customers

35000+Operating area

Considering the enormous stress that the diamond tool has to withstand during its use, it must be a high quality product. For this reason, thanks to its modern means of production, the high quality components used, together with the experience and research developed over the years, PULITOR has achieved a leading position in the market, providing a full range of products appreciated throughout the world.

Our values

Research and development

Pulitor is constantly looking for more and more performing products in relation to the material and the customer's requests