Regulator Cetrisa
About Us
REGULATOR–CETRISA started in the 60’s by working in the electric motor market on those specialties where a great precision in the control of speed was required. The management of these motor-variators was at that time already being done through Eddy Currents.
In the early 90s, REGULATOR–CETRISA started to develop equipment for the treatment and separation of metals using the same principle and its extensive knowledge of Eddy Currents and magnetism.
Since the beginning, a firm commitment to the quality of its products, a continuous job in R + D + I and the objective of satisfying the customer’s needs have allowed REGULATOR-CETRISA to be considered one of the best specialists in equipment and installations for separating and recycling metals.
Our values
REGULATOR-CETRISA is one of the leading company providing the best solutions and best pays his client activity in the field of recycling and sorting of metals.
To this end, in addition to quality, price and excellent services, REGULATOR-Cetrisa provides the right technology at all times and for each application.
Being the leading Spanish manufacturer of machinery for recycling and sorting of metals, it covers not only the Spanish market, but the European market, North Africa and Latin America.