relyon plasma GmbH

About Us

relyon plasma - a TDK Group company offers a wide range of specialized plasma components for manual applications and inline processes. Atmospheric pressure plasmas, which are generated by electrical discharges in air or other gases, have a remarkable combination of properties that allow unique surface treatment. Such plasmas produce large quantities of very reactive but short-lived chemical species. These can disinfect, clean, modify and functionalize a wide range of surfaces, preparing them for bonding, painting and printing. Our plasma components can also be used for disinfection in medical technology. Harness the power of plasma technology for surface treatment!

rely on plasma. relyon plasma.

Our values

As a subsidiary of TDK, relyon plasma has dedicated itself to a central guiding principle: “Contribute to culture and industry through creativity”. On the one hand, this corporate motto embodies the founding spirit of the company and at the same time symbolises the guiding principles for the path that relyon plasma will follow as a TDK Group Company in the coming years.

Within the group, relyon plasma acts as a source of innovation and impetus and develops new products in the field of plasma technology that meet the quality requirements of the market. At the same time, the company has already initiated the globalisation and diversification of its business activities over the past decade and continues to strive to further advance cooperation with external partners around the globe.

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