About Us

RODER SRL was born in 1991 as little but dynamic reality operating in design and construction of special systems for industrial production. Today it's a consolidated reality in the field of measuring machine manufacturers and data acquisition systems, able to provide with great continuity an innovative technology keeping pace with the times.

Thanks to a team of technicians and designers with a great experience, RODER offers solutions and technologies for quality control on production line and in metrological laboratory.

We study, design, realise and install systems and equipments suitable to satisfy current requirements of quality control in a market that is more and more competitive and dynamic.

Be on market with its own technology means understanding production requirements, finding simple, useful and cheap solutions, in a spirit of cooperation with customers.

RODER offers a wide range of instruments, equipments and machines to control dimensional, geometric and functional features of products and manufactured goods in different areas: precision machining, plastic and rubber, iron and steel, pharmaceutical, railway, automotive, wood, carriage, research departments, chemistry, environment, preservation of cultural and architectural goods.

Our values

We work closely with customers, suppliers, consultants and designers because only .....

.... maintaining a continuous dialogue with the customer we can identify in an accurate and detailed way the need of every single production reality and so we can calibrate the product on real requirements of final user.

.... making an accurate selections of components, materials and suppliers we can realise a safe, reliable and durable product. The choice of qualified and reliable suppliers allows us to offer at final customer a good service in support and maintenance

.... using highly innovative technologies we can offer solutions capable to increase the quality of final product, the production capacity of plants but also the competitiveness of our customer on the market in which he operates.

..... paying special attention to the final cost of the application, without neglecting the quality and reliability of the solutions and products offered, we can ensure a high benefit/cost ratio.

The continuous research of technologically advanced solutions allowed us to increase experience and know-how in many fields and to solve problems of many customers with tested and personalized solutions.