About Us

SCHMIDT + HAENSCH develops and produces high-quality laboratory instruments, process analytical measuring systems and automation solutions.

Since its founding in 1864 the SCHMIDT + HAENSCH, the family owned company is the leading provider of optoelectronic measuring instruments. Today the product portfolio comprises polarimeters, refractometers, photometers and process analyzing systems for the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industry. A new generation of density meters completes our instrument range for liquid analysis in a perfect way.

The instruments of SCHMIDT + HAENSCH are known for their high precision as well as cutting-edge technology with the unrivaled durability.

Worldwide Distribution, Customer Support and Product Training

Our precision instruments are distributed on a worldwide scale - and we reliably provide international customer support and trainings to our product range. We want to see our clients grow and help you to use your instruments in the most clever way possible, so that resources are saved efectively while your products maintain their highest quality.

But his is not where we stop. We want to ensure quality as well as the future of your product! - With our service packages we ensure long-term maintenance and accuracy of your measuring instruments on the long run.

Solution-oriented and Customizable

Our products answer to your measuring needs. We believe in developing our instruments in close cooperation with our customers and find solutions to new tasks on the horizon of a broad range of industries. Our team of highly skilled researchers and developers is at your disposal and we are keen to learn, grow and develop hand-in-hand with our customers.

In-House Certification and Measuring Verfification Services

Our in-house services add up to our high-end products: we offer in-house laboratory services, instrument calibration, verification of measuring results as well as pharmaceutical instrument certification. our innovation is founded in a high-precision production and close contact to the scientific community.

Our main divisions are:

Laboratory Instrumentation

Laboratory Automation

Automated Analysers (performing sample preparation and analysis)

In-Line Process Sensors (Process Instrumentation)

Based on a very high level of precision mechanics and optics, the modular structure of the SCHMIDT + HAENSCH measuring instruments and systems allow high flexibility and possibility to build customized systems together.

SCHMIDT + HAENSCH instruments stand for excellence, precision and reliability.

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Our values

SCHMIDT + HAENSCHs kontinuierliche technologische Innovation wird durch ein hochqualifiziertes Produktionsteam sowie im engen Kontakt mit der Wissenschaft realisiert. Unser Netzwerk aus wissenschaftlich-akademischen Partnern und Forschungsverbänden bringt uns stetig an die Spitze des technologischen Fortschritts. Das Unternehmen SCHMIDT + HAENSCH bekennt sich dabei zu langfristigen Partnerschaften mit Kunden und Mitarbeitern sowie zur Verantwortung gegenüber der Gesellschaft.

SCHMIDT + HAENSCH arbeitet mit einem hochqualifizierten Team von Produktmanagern, Entwicklungsingenieuren und Fertigungsspezialisten daran, die hohe Produktqualität zu erhalten und die Position als weltweiter Marktpionier zu behaupten und auszubauen. Unser großartiges Team mit Sitz in Berlin und unsere weit über 150 Vertriebspartner in aller Welt sorgen dafür, dass alle SCHMIDT + HAENSCH-Geräte ihrem hervorragenden Ruf gerecht werden. Die Kernkompetenz von SCHMIDT + HAENSCH - Exzellenz in Präzisionsmessung und Produktion - und der enge Kontakt zur Wissenschaft sind die Grundlage für die Qualität der SCHMIDT + HAENSCH-Geräte.

Our International Locations