About Us
SEAL-CHECK design and produce Package Leak Detector & Seal Integrity Tester.
SEAL-Check - we provide comfort for You and your products on the market.
Faulty package seals, seams, or closures not only cost you money and time, but can damage your reputation.
Your quality control standards need to be high – let the industry-leading Seal-Check Leak Detector help you meet them.
Our Leak Detectors can be used to perform a variety of seal integrity tests to help you determine the source of any leaks in your packaging, ensuring your packaging meets its destination fully intact.
By taking advantage of our signature vacuum chamber enclosure, SEAL-CHCK Package Leak Detectors are capable of performing a variety of seal integrity tests in both wet and dry environments.
Our Leak Detectors are available in a variety of sizes, and are built to effectively test a myriad of product and package specifications.
SEAL-CHECK Leak Detectors will give you confidence in the integrity of your package’s seals.
Our values
Quality. Responsible business, clarity with colleagues, partners and customers.