About Us
SIMACO is a market leader in the development of fluid moving technologies for industrial use. The family business is still owned and managed by the same founding family; Andrea, Laura, Luca and Manuela Guercilena today are firmly at the helm of the company that exports more than 70% of its products.
Since 1962 SIMACO gained over 60 years of experience in the development of pumps and cooling systems, controlling the entire process starting from the design, engineering, production and even distribution of the productions. A product, the electric pump, that Simaco manufactures in a Made in Italy supply chain with partner suppliers for the most part at km0, with which it has been collaborating for more than thirty years.
Recognized market leader in the welding and thermoregulation sector, it has made its entry for several years into emerging industry sectors, including electronics and "green economy". Products for special applications, which require flexibility and constant collaboration with the customer for the development of highly customized solutions. The technological and efficiency increase of the products is continuous, through the use of high-performance materials and through the introduction of intelligent motors that help control the systems even from a distance.
A constantly growing team that today has a workforce of more than 25 people, with specialized figures in all key sectors including: R&D, purchase, quality and exports. 46% of human capital is represented by women, many of whom hold positions of responsibility and management of entire sectors.
Our values
SIMACO is aware of the important role it plays with respect to the society in which it is inserted, with respect to the economic development and well-being of the people who work and collaborate with it. The Company places respect for the person at the center of its objectives, the search for the professional fulfillment of its employees and collaborators, in compliance with the rules of good behavior and company regulations.
Specifically, SIMACO pays particular attention to the following values:
Respect for people
SIMACO rejects and undertakes to prevent any form of discrimination based on sex, race, sexual orientation, state of health, language, religion, political opinions, personal and social conditions. SIMACO is committed to promoting gender equality, not only formally, but also substantially, within its workplaces.
User satisfaction
SIMACO's mission is customer satisfaction through the supply of quality products, focusing on listening to individual needs, without forgetting to provide customers with a safe, functional and environmentally friendly product. The creation of the products takes place upon specific customer request, with maximum versatility in the executions, even on small batches.
The quality and safety of the product
For SIMACO, product quality and safety are the result of constant research and updating. The production is entirely Italian. 100% of production is subjected to electrical and hydraulic testing with consequent delivery of the report to the customer with each supply.
The Company presents itself to customers as a reliable and proactive partner, investing resources in a manner continuous product innovation. Innovation must be achieved by seeking solutions that guarantee the excellence of the products, while at the same time improving their social and environmental characteristics. Product design and the R&D department have always been a fundamental internal resource of the company.
Protection of health and safety in the workplace
SIMACO undertakes to prepare and maintain safe and healthy working environments in compliance with current accident prevention legislation and to spread and consolidate a culture of safety and health at work by developing awareness of risks and promoting responsible behavior by all collaborators.
Environmental protection
SIMACO considers environmental protection as a fundamental value and is convinced of the compatibility between corporate development and respect and development of the environment and the community. Some activities undertaken in the last period:
- 2019 switching of all lighting to LED (-54% electricity consumption);
- 2019 purchase of 100% green energy from renewable sources for what is not produced by our photovoltaic system;
- 2021 introduction on the market of products dedicated to E-Mobility;
- 2022 installation of a 22kW column for charging electric vehicles open to visiting suppliers and customers, but also to employees;
- 2022 the path towards the elimination of single-use plastic from products and packaging has begun;
- 2023 widespread management of special waste and their introduction into circular recovery processes.