About Us

Sirius Electric is an Italian company based in Vigevano (Lombardy), operating in the plastic welding sector since 1989.
We manufacture and sell ultrasound welding machines, hot plate welders, vibration welders and spin welders. By means of different welding techniques, we are able to face challenges related to the assembly of thermoplastic parts. We also deal with the design and production of sonotrodes. Here, we manage to verify future operations thanks to the use of top level simulation software systems.


Our starting point is a thirty-year experience in the plastic welding industry. We design, produce and test internally, through the help of top quality materials and parts, cutting-edge CNC machines and 3D CAD systems. We believe in our clients’ central role and needs. For this reason, supporting and assistance stages – both before and after sales – together with the direct contact with the technical department play a key role. This process allows us to design and develop co-created and tailor-made projects. The collaborative structure makes us achieve two essential goals: fast problem-solving and positive feedback of our clients.


We believe in innovation, in all its shapes and forms. This is why we keep an eye on new process and application investments, besides preparing our machinaries according to Industry 4.0 principles. We constantly commit ourselves to find new technical solutions to make our work and our clients’ even more efficient.

Our values

The team spirit: competitiveness comes from group strength
The corporate culture of Sirius Electric is founded on the spirit of a group of different people who interact and communicate with each other, making up a single team who pursue the same goals. We have always known that the company's success and development depend on cohesive efforts by the people involved.
Many things we do at Sirius Electric are therefore aimed at enhancing and improving our team spirit, which goes a long way to giving the company a clear and strong identity.

Human resources: the true capital of a company
You cannot have a company without people. Without commitment, correctness, care, and professionalism, machines and technology would be fruitless concepts. For this reason Sirius Electric rewards innovative qualities, the commitment and expertise of its employees and staff, and pursues paths of professional development for all levels and tasks, because every member of our staff is a resource that needs to be supported and valued.

Technical customer support: our best showcase
This collaborative set-up has helped us to always achieve positive results, to the full satisfaction of our customers.
Sirius Electric is one of the few Italian companies operating in this sector which designs and manufactures machines and equipment for its customers in-house. Our laboratory, specially equipped with measuring instruments, is always available for technical evaluations before a commercial relationship is first established.

Research: evolution and continuity
Sirius Electric has, over the years, always excelled in avant-garde technological solutions for its welders.
This capacity for innovation derives from the consistent attention it pays to research, which derives from attentive and continual review of market demands, trends and needs.

Investment: the new headquarters
The purpose of constructing new headquarters is to create modern, functional and technically advanced facilities. Work spaces and environments are optimised so all activities can be carried out in the best way possible. The engineering department, laboratory and workshop are optimally linked with one another, and they make up the main area of the company.