SmartVision S.r.l.

About Us

SmartVision, since 1999 in North-East Italy, invents, develops and produces innovative equipments for a Smart Quality Control's of Industrial Production.

Our equipment makes quality control task automatic, objective, easy and fast and therefore they ensure large benefits to our customers, in terms of quality and efficiency improvements, control of the processes and overall cost reduction.

We build our growth upon solid long-term partnerships with major customers Companies in Optical, Glass, Automotive, Appliance, Pharmaceutical, Medical, Mechanical and Plastic Industries and Machine Builders.

SmartVision is associated with ANFAO, the Italian Optical Goods Manufacturer’s Association.

Our values

Our mission is to provide concrete benefits to our customers for quality control purpose, ensuring process efficiency and overall cost reduction.

SmartVision Systems and Solutions are easy to use and respond clearly and effectively to production process needs, identifying immediately if an item respects quality standards or not. In this last case, immediate adjustment of the production process is possible in real time, with no need of a qualified operator to use it.

Speed of the output given by these systems makes SmartVision solutions suited to massive quality control in production line, in-line inspection, statistical process control (SPC) and acceptance inspections.

SmartVision is Reliable technology Made in Italy to control, optimize and save.

Achieve objectives of our customers is our satisfaction.