THIEL Storage and Handling Systems

About Us

Smooth warehouse management? No problem. The company designs, produces and delivers a wide range of user-friendly and safe storage and handling systems, fully attuned to the customer’s requirements. A high efficiency through the improvement of the intralogistics is perfectly realizable: ‘Thiel beats chaos!’

All Thiel systems have been designed in such a manner that heavy materials can be manually manoeuvred within reach of a crane. As a result, material handling becomes convenient, simple and ergonomically justified. The compact design of the systems is space-saving and extremely implementable in a ‘lean’ production process, various types and sizes of material are segregated and very easily accessible. The systems are always adjustable because of the modular construction and therefore suitable for various materials and branches. In this manner a customer is able to arrange and expand the system to his own requirements.


Our values

With Thiel Systems customers always opt for a total solution. In consultation with the customer, the most ideal logistical solution is devised and designed. In order to service customers as well as possible, the focus for the implementation of a Thiel-system always lays on improvement in continuity and efficiency for the company’s logistic process. Customers are therefore always guaranteed a qualitative high standard and versatile product that also has a substantial surplus value.

Thiel Systems predominantly aims itself at the European market, has an extensive sales network and furthermore collaborates with several foreign partners. The motivated and skilled employees are able to give ample advice and act quickly in contact with the customer. Therefore they are the first contact, while the head office in Mierlo (NL) also ensures the necessary support.