Vav Technology

About Us

VAV Technology Gmbh is a globally operating German based high-tech company that develops, produces and markets machinery and robotic technologies for denim producers and laundries.

VAV Technology’s policy is to apply the latest and the most advanced engineering technologies in designing and manufacturing of laser,robotic,and automation systems for denim production sector with the aim of reaching fast, safe and precious results.

Our target is to increase efficiency, productivity, quality and high standards by decreasing prices, labor costs, labor mistakes, energy consumption and operational usage. To accomplish these missions, we prioritize health and safety conditions of operators as well by assigning robots that successfully imitate human hands during harmfull processes and also by using less chemicals.

Effictency, Productivity, Qualıty and High Standart

In VAV Technology Gmbh, we adopt the principles of effective project, proper architecture, qualified hardware and software. With our young, dynamic and experienced team, we create and produce smart and efficient solutions as well as we support and reinforce your production with our fast and experienced after sales support staff.

As your business evolves and your challenges increase in complexity, our goal is to deliver technology solutions that help you speed up and expedite your production.

Our values

Sustainability, Innovation, Protection of Human Health and Nature