Vigo System

About Us

VIGO System S.A. was founded in 1987 by a group of specialists in the field of photon infrared detectors. VIGO System owns a unique technology that enables the production of devices for very fast, sensitive detection of infrared radiation in the range of 1 - 16 μm, operating at ambient temperature or cooled with maintenance-free thermoelectric coolers (TEC). Our manufacturing capabilities begin with growth of epitaxial HgCdTe or InAsSb wafers by MBE or MOCVD. We deposit metal contacts by thermal evaporation and do full photolithography, dicing, assembly and packaging in our facilities.

Our values

Over thirty years of Vigo manufacturing experience resulted in easy to use, robust, reliable devices that ensure the best sensitivity and the lowest noise - with parameters close to the fundamental limits of detection. One of the company’s key technologies is the production of structures using optical immersion. Lens, which is an integral part of the detector structure, provides significant increase of detector signal-to-noise ratio and speed.

VIGO System designs and manufactures HgCdTe, InAs and InAsSb detectors, electronic modules (preamplifiers, TEC controllers, power supplies), as well as mechanical accessories. Detection modules (infrared detector integrated with the preamplifier in a compact housing), are characterized by high sensitivity in a wide spectral range from 1 to 16 μm, high speed with frequency bandwidths up to 1 GHz, optimized gain of the measured signal and operating temperatures in the range from 200 to 300 K.

As needed, VIGO System can develop OEM and non-standard solutions which allow you to develop products dedicated to your specific applications.

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