About Us

Innovation begins with the impossible

Change the myth of deburring

Since the establishment of XEBEC Technology, we have been bringing technology innovation into the field of deburring and polishing and promoted process transformation and mindset change.

First, we developed the Ceramic Stone. We brought the chemical and material technology into the conventional grinding stone. Thanks to the performance and quality of the products, today the global market share is more than 80%.

Next, we developed XEBEC Brush. We are the world’s first company that has succeeded in making ceramic stone bristles. In order to supply maintain a stable supply of the world’s unique material, we have been pursuing unprecedented manufacturing technologies. Today, we deal with more than 40 countries and the export ratio is about 70%. Our products contribute to mass production lines of global companies in various fields, such as automotive, aerospace, and medical industries.

Currently, we are challenging to minimize lead time which takes to solve deburring problems as close to zero. XEBEC Back Burr Cutter and Path is one of the examples. We offer the completely new service by integrating material engineering, physics and programming technology to our 15 years of experiences for CNC deburring and polishing.

Change the myth of deburring and enhancing the value of the finishing process. Creating the world where people can use their talent in a creative field. This is what XEBEC is striving for.

Therefore, not only developing innovative products and service, but also we continue to offer the best and innovative methods for all the business aspects including manufacturing, marketing, sales method, and delivery beyond the established standards. In other words, every single member of XEBEC continues making innovation.

Hearing customers’ thought and perceive their hidden needs, developing technologies and products, manufacturing the products and delivering them with accuracy, making the products in maximum use, helping back up the team members, etc. Every aspect of our business is supported by the team members.

That is the reason why we focus on recruiting. Get the right people on the bus. We hire only those who suit our company culture and have high potential.

A person who believes in their own capability, has willingness to progress, thinks and works hard regardless of their experiences. A person who is flexible, bold but elaborate, speedy and persistent. If fellow passengers on the bus have the same mind, the journey will be enjoyable even if something unexpected or accident happens on the way, wherever the final destination is.

Our values

The role of the company is to provide the challenging opportunities to the members. The company exists for the members to progress through trials and errors. In the process of growth, we provide values to the family members, colleagues, business partners, and customers. That is the meaning of life and the significance of the company.

Every single member represents XEBEC Technology and the assemblage of the members is XEBEC Technology. Both the members and the company must keep working hard and changing for growth. Believing in each member’s capability expands the XEBEC’s capability, moreover affects the society. To achieve a future that turns the impossible into the possible, we will doubt assumptions and keep on challenging.

Our International Locations